Who runs the world? Moms!

It’s 8:55am on a Thursday morning. Some of you may just be beginning your day, some of you won’t start your day for another few hours. Then there are the few who have been up since 5am, have gotten the kids off to school, saved the world at least once already, and are just sitting down for a few sips of their first precious [insert Golum voice] cup of coffee. We are the few, the proud, the moms.

Being a mom isn’t easy. It is the most exhausting, most demanding job I’ve ever had in my life. And you moms that work full time outside the home? My hat is off to you! Bravo. There are some days I can’t even fit a shower in!
No joke. I smell like breast milk and baby drool.

Some mornings I wake up, a plan for the day in my head (I like lists), thinking I have it all together, and then BLAMO! I’m immediately reminded that as much as I like to pretend I have it all together, that no matter how many lists I make or check books I balance, I have no control in this life.

Life is life. It is hard and scary and crazy and beautiful and it can bring me to my knees. But when I get there, when I’m in that place, on my knees, I can talk to the one who does have it all in control. When things are moving at a dizzying pace and the world is spinning faster than my head can handle, I am able to reach out and hold firm to Christ, my Rock.

The Bible says that the Dad is to be the {spiritual} head of the household, but I firmly believe that the Mom sets the tone for the home. My attitude dictates my children’s behavior and sets off a chain reaction that I, as a mother, am solely responsible for.

Now, I’m not claiming to be perfect or happy all the time. It’s often the opposite. I believe it’s important for children to see (constructive) conflict and (peaceful) conflict resolution. A life without mishaps, without disagreements, without mess isn’t real and ultimately teaches nothing. But living through the mess: cleaning up a spilled breakfast [I have rugs in the dining room…so it’s not easy] by singing Pippi Longstocking’s “Scrubbin’ Day”, or turning a ripped [and personal favorite I bought from pier 1 imports when Hubs and I were first married] pillow into an impromptu laughter-filled pillow fight, or hugging/kissing Daddy and “agreeing to disagree” our opinions shows them that, although problems/mistakes/conflicts/accidents happen, it’s in OUR power to make the best of them. It’s our choice how we will react – good or bad.

So Moms, IT’S OKAY that your child’s school uniform is in the dirty hamper and he needs it this morning, or that you only remember your van needed an oil change [over a month ago] when you’re sitting in the front seat already driving somewhere, or, in my case today, that there are poopy diapers “drying” all over your kitchen table because your spouse was being helpful (I do so love you, my Hubs!). LIFE HAPPENS to all of us.

Moms, don’t compare yourself to each other. I know you do it- I do it. I sometimes think “not good enough” should be tattooed on my forehead. That mom with the immaculately clean home, or the sleeps-through-the-night baby, or the Mom that’s a super skinny toothpick with the 6 week old baby, or the family of five that arrives at church perfectly coordinated… THEY ARE NOT PERFECT. They are real people with flaws. You don’t see their daily life, but I’m pretty sure part of it involves secretly comparing themselves to YOU! Let’s uplift and love each other, Pouring the love out, instead of keeping the self-hate in.

Our job is full time with no sick or personal time. But the benefits package is worth it! I’ll take first steps and toothless grins and homemade cards over a 401k any day. Take a minute today and applaud your accomplishments- YOU WOKE UP AND CHOSE TO DO IT ALL AGAIN TODAY!

You are beautiful and appreciated and you make the world go ’round.


About granolaandgrace

Hello & Welcome to my blog <3 I am wife to an amazing Hubs who I completely adore, mother to 2 rambunctious little men at work, and 1 adorable baby boy. I am the only girl in a house full of boys.

3 responses to “Who runs the world? Moms!

  1. Jennie Adamczyk

    jenny!!! i loved this and thank you from the bottom of my heart because i needed to hear this today!!!

  2. Susan Helm

    I really enjoyed this!!!!! 🙂

  3. Marilyn Beaulieu

    Honest and beautifully written. 🙂

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