Lunchboxes, Backpacks, and Folders… Oh My!

>>cue Christmas music<< “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!”
Back to school time is here again and we have officially shipped our rambunctious older lads off to new teachers, new classmates, and new experiences.   And it’s new experiences all around in our Household, as I am beginning a new season of life as a stay-at-home-mom with our littlest Cupcake.  I’m nervous and excited to start this new adventure.  I’ve never been a woman that enjoys doing dishes or gets a thrill from removing a persistently stubborn laundry stain.  I’ve never felt accomplished by cleaning the house (pretty sure there is one closet still full of boxes from moving in 6 yrs ago).  But since the moment I met my husband 12 years ago, I’ve felt it my purpose to care for both him and now our children. If you are feeling particularly spiritual, you could say it was my calling.

Friends, I’m so pumped!  I’m excited to wash the 87,000 loads of cloth diapers.  I’m getting a kick out of fluffing the pillows so they [almost] look like they’ve never been climbed on by little feet or thrown by little hands during a mid-afternoon epic brother v. brother pillow fight to the death. It’s fun! Throw in the fact that being home by ourselves has Cupcake on a pretty great napping schedule and it’s party city. >> Woot woot!

I am so grateful for this time, right here right now. Enjoying every moment that God has in store for me, difficult or pleasant, and blogging about it along the way. Let the adventure begin!